How to Fabricate An Esthetic Porcelain- To-Titanium Restoration
Posted Nov 17, 2011 in Technical
Luke Kahng, CDT, offers his step-by-step technique for fabricating
a porcelain-to-titanium restoration using Nobel Biocare's NobelProcera
scanner and GC's Initial™ Titanium porcelain.
In my laboratory, we're always looking for more effective ways to create our restorations," says Luke Kahng, CDT, Owner of LSK121 Oral Prosthetics, Naperville, IL. "The better we research and incorporate new products, the more options we can give our dentist-clients to help them grow their practices.
"We had heard the buzz about titanium so our laboratory began carefully researching it, including its benefits and cost-saving properties and how to create beautiful esthetics when using the material.
"We discovered that titanium has many benefits--it's lightweight, biocompatible, cost efficient, offers excellent esthetics and is classified by the ADA between high noble and noble crowns.
"Also, since we own the Nobel Biocare NobelProcera™ scanning...