How I Pay it Forward
Posted Feb 16, 2023 in Labs & Profiles
When I came to the U.S. from Colombia in 2000, I had a degree in dental technology but had never worked in a lab. I spoke limited English and was eager to start a new life here.
While working at a coffee shop, I knocked on laboratory doors and finally Eric Morello, Owner of Accu Dent Laboratory in West Haven, CT, gave me a job. I worked for him for several years and then worked for two other lab owners—Kamilla Siekierski and then Alexander Askalsky, also both in Connecticut—for a few years each.
All of these owners gave me an amazing opportunity to learn and strengthen my skills, so much so that in 2011, I felt confident enough to open my own lab. I started in my basement apartment which was so tiny I had to shove my mattress out of the way every morning to make room to do lab work! I hired one of my best friends, Jorge Londono, who is a great ceramist and we grew quickly, mainly through referrals, and eventually needed to rent a larger space....