Everything is New Under the Sun
Posted Mar 08, 2012 in Publisher's Page
W-a-a-a-y back when I was still a kid wanting to be a writer, I sulked to my English teacher that no matter what I write I discover someone else has already written about it so how would I ever make my mark?
Ah, grown-up wisdom! She explained to me that it's not what I write about but how I write about it. "There's nothing new under the sun," she told me. "But each of us has our own unique way of expressing a thought or an experience and that is how a writer makes her mark."
This holds true, of course, for how we service our clients as well. What we offer in the way of service is not nearly as important as how we handle this service. We each have our unique ways about us and these characteristics resonate and help us build successful enterprises. However, even though it's true that it's all in the "how," the "nothing new" adage is no longer accurate. These days, thanks to digital technologies, everything is new under the sun! As I've said in several columns before, it has...