Content and Committed: Majority of Employees Report Job Satisfaction
Posted Sep 04, 2024 in LMT Surveys
While a recent Gallup poll reports that employee engagement in the U.S. is at an 11-year low, employees in our community are mostly happy overall: more than three quarters of them are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their current jobs, according to LMT’s Job Satisfaction Survey, which was conducted anonymously so our nearly 150 respondents from all lab sizes could speak candidly.
There is notable difference in the level of job satisfaction between those with management responsibilities and those at the bench: managers are the most content and twice as likely as technicians to say they’re “very satisfied.” (See Job Satisfaction Higher Among Managers chart below.)
However, no matter what their job responsibilities are, employees seem to agree on what they like best about their jobs: their co-worker relationships, impacting patients’ lives and having a flexible work environment.
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