Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
Posted Apr 07, 2020 in Labs & Profiles
On his 45th birthday, Bill Thomas, CDT, CEO of Smile Science Inc., Cleveland, GA, conquered his fear of heights. His wife, Becky, gave him a surprise—a hot air balloon ride—and within minutes of being in the air, his fear dissolved and he fell in love with flying. “My favorite part is the danger; I’m an adrenaline junky. In my youth I was a surfer, skateboarder, and raced cars and motorcycles,” says Thomas.
He started out as a crew member for Head Balloons, Inc. in Helen, GA, and then decided to get his pilot’s license. After four years of lessons with Head Balloons—plus a little procrastinating about taking the FAA exam—he achieved that goal.
“I find the whole process fascinating,” says Thomas. “A hot air balloon consists of a bag, called an envelope, which contains heated air. A wicker basket suspended underneath carries the passengers and the heat source, an open flame created by burning liquid propane....