Celebrating Collaboration: Whip Mix Forum Touts the Power of Digital Dentistry
Posted Nov 17, 2021 in Industry News
“Computer technology and dental technology have had quite a marriage over the last 20 years…digital dentistry has dramatically increased production, resulted in a better product and increased job satisfaction,” said Bernie Jaroslow, CDT, Marketing Manager, welcoming the 250-person crowd to Whip Mix’s 9th Annual Digital Forum in Louisville, KY in October.
Designed for both technicians and dentists, the two-day event was kicked off by Lee Culp, CDT, who discussed how his deep dive into digital technology has helped transition his role on the dental team into what he calls “a clinical technician.” Using intraoral, CT and facial scans to build a 3D patient on screen—along with design and surgical software—he does the “heavy lifting” for his clients, virtually placing implants, moving teeth and designing the restorations. Once complete, he discusses the treatment plan with the dental team over TeamViewer and makes changes in real-time....