Business Boosters Inside LMT
Posted Aug 02, 2012 in Publisher's Page
Many of LMT's articles stem from things we experience here. When the editorial team cooked up the theme for this month's issue, for example, you might say we were all "steamed up." We, too, have business problems that need to be solved.
In fact, the last quarter of 2011 was a whopper that tested our mettle but with our issues now behind us, we emerged sleeker and wiser for our trials and tribulations. Sometimes the solution to one problem resolves others you don't even realize are nagging at your heels. Here are some issues we've had that may resonate with you:
PROBLEM: How can I ensure I'm investing in the right software technologies?
STRATEGY: Sometimes you can't know what "right" is until you try it. The ideal strategy is one that enables you to test a system before incorporating it. Whenever that's possible, that's the way to go.
For us, the challenge was to select a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software program that could be customized...