Band Together for a Cause
Posted Oct 19, 2015 in Labs & Profiles
One day each October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, everyone at Knight Dental Studio, Oldsmar, FL, dresses in pink. Spearheaded by Barbara Warner Wojdan and employee Sharon Belak, a breast cancer survivor, the event also includes lunch and give-aways of buttons, pens and informative pamphlets on mammograms. In addition to promoting awareness, the lab also raises money for the Race for the Cure breast cancer walk through donations and activities like bake sales and spaghetti lunches; they have raised $2,000 over the last three years.
For the last two years, the four-person staff at Rogue Dental Solutions in Ormond, FL—along with some family members and even a few dentist-clients—have joined the Ormond Strong group as it walks two-and-a-half miles over the Granada Bridge every morning. The walk was organized in 2015 in solidarity with the local National Guard Unit deployed...