B&D Introduces Milling Machine, Cavity-Fighting Crown, Beyond™ Zirconia
Posted Apr 20, 2015 in Post-Show Coverage
At LMT LAB DAY Chicago, B&D presented its three latest innovations:
- The Origin Proteus 5x is a five-axis milling machine for dry milling zirconia and wax/PMMA and wet milling titanium, CrCo, glass ceramics and implant blanks. It has a small footprint, features highly accurate servo motors and has a one-disc holder. Also available: a four-axis model with a two-disc holder.
- The Origin SmartCrown™ System (previously known as ProActive Crown), a cavity-fighting crown. A zirconia crown is milled and pockets are created in the mesial and distal sides of the crown while in the green (soft) stage. The pockets are filled with resin-modified glass ionomer that releases cavity-inhibiting fluoride ions into the interproximal areas. B&D is working with multiple laboratories in order to establish them as certified SmartCrown partners to provide this patents-pending technology.
- ORIGIN Beyond zirconia offers a translucency similar to lithium disilicate. It...