American Greed: Rethinking the 'Boom' in Boomers
Posted Mar 08, 2012 in Publisher's Page
The basis for this editorial comes from comments made by some of our How's Business Survey participants. So many laboratory owners are working through very tough economic years and yet most remain hopeful that they'll pull through.
The question they ask, however, is not what business strategies will help them along; instead they ask us all--as a community--to reexamine our moral compass. If there is blame for the mess our economy is in, where does our compass tell us to lay that blame?
Aren't we Boomers the generation of invention, of innovation, of hope for a better, cleaner, more enlightened universe? Yes, history will record that this era ushered in the digital age and all the innovation that followed. Yes, we're industrious; the generation that readily embraced laptops and smartphones so we could work while on vacation.
But it saddens and pains me to acknowledge that we live in an era of greed. In sheer numbers alone, the blame lies squarely with us--with our generation--and...