American Tooth Industries: The Legacy Continues
Posted Sep 15, 2023 in Labs & Profiles
A Florentine’s Journey to the Far West is a compelling memoir written by Bruno Pozzi, Founder of Pozzi Dental and American Tooth Industries (ATI). Known as a talented storyteller and for keeping meticulous records, Pozzi shares his family history and photos and details his personal and professional life.
As a child growing up in Italy, his family endured the hardships of World War II, moving several times for their safety. He had an entrepreneurial spirit and in addition to a career in banking, was a consummate salesman, working in fashion, jewelry, leather goods and Turkish carpet sales.
In 1971, he moved to California where he started Pozzi Dental and then ATI in 1976 which merged with Justi in 1986. After retiring from the company, he worked in dental consulting, property management and investments as well as writing his book. His goal was to share his story with family and friends and many have received copies as gifts. He passed away...