A Technician Goes to Dental School: Communication is Key in Dentist-Technician Relationship
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Labs & Profiles
Bernard Baseri was a technician for four years before enrolling in the class of 2013 at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry.
I call it a new road, a new life, a new beginning. I had been an Empress waxer and CAD/CAM technician for four years at Carl Puga's Recreations Dental Studios in Marina Del Ray, California. I really enjoyed the work and was excelling quickly but I wanted to grow and learn more.
I realized it gave me great pleasure to see my restorations in patients' mouths either in photos or in person; this is one of the reasons I started thinking about dental school. It took me three years to take the necessary science courses and the Dental Admission Test and get accepted to the University of Southern California School of Dentistry (USCSD).
As a dental student, my responsibilities continue to change and grow, especially in the second trimester. In addition to our course load, we're assigned to rotations such...