My Biggest Mistake
Posted Nov 16, 2018 in Publisher's Page
You know mistakes that involve other people are always the ones that stick in your gut the hardest and longest, right? After all, we are social “by design.” That’s how our Creative Director/Digital, Eric Fisher, describes our cultural norms. “Our sense of self, of safety, is shaped by our relationships. So when a relationship falls apart, you don’t always realize you’re falling with it,” he says.
Being that the cover story of this issue is “mistakes we’ve made,” I have a doozie that causes me great regret and I feel is important to share, especially since a similar experience is echoed by lab owners in this issue.
A number of years ago, we experienced relationship destruction at LMT. I had called upon our staff to set a day aside for one of our no-holds-barred, no-stone-left unturned, think-outside-the-box brainstorming sessions in search...