Cerpress SL and Sensation SL From Leach and Dillon Products
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Technical
RESTORATIVE CHALLENGE: The 34-year-old female patient wanted to improve the esthetics of her teeth which were compromised by a large filling in tooth #8 and severe discoloration on tooth #9 caused by trauma and improper restoration following a root canal (see Figure 1). The patient wanted the restorations within a week but also wanted the best esthetics available.
Restorative team: Vladimiro Obinu, CDT, and Dr. Domenico Dentici, both from Genova, Italy
Treatment plan: After making a diagnostic waxup, the team opted for a pressed veneer on #8 and a layered full porcelain crown on #9, both made with the Cerpress SL Pressable Ceramic System from Leach and Dillon Products (see Figure 2). The team chose Cerpress SL because of its lifelike qualities, natural translucency and brilliant fluorescence. The pressing ingots are offered in various levels of opacity for challenging situations.
Case study: Vladimiro...