Authentic® Pressable From Jensen
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Technical
RESTORATIVE CHALLENGE: The patient presented with discolored composite buildups and worn incisors caused by the misaligned lower incisors. The patient felt that her teeth were too short and boxy looking and wanted to get rid of the unattractive brown composites (see Figure 1).
Restorative team: Brad Jones, Professional Dental Arts, Boise, Idaho and Dr. Dennis Klemp, Astoria, Oregon
Treatment plan: The first objectives were to reposition the six lower anterior teeth with braces and improve the height-to-width ratio on teeth #8-9 by using a laser to raise the gingival tissue. Full crowns would then be fabricated out of pressed ceramic, treating teeth #5-12. Authentic porcelain was selected because of its strength, versatility and esthetics.
Case Study: Dr. Klemp sent impressions of the upper and lower arches and pre-operative photographs to the laboratory. Brad Jones fabricated a diagnostic...