A whopping 80% of laboratories are now tapping into the power of 3D printing—either with in-house equipment or via outsourcing—according to LMT’s latest 3D Printing Survey. The technology allows them to achieve an all-digital workflow, increase efficiency, reduce labor needs and meet dentist-customer demand for printed units/models (see Top 10 Advantages of 3D Printing chart below).
“Incorporating 3D printing has enabled us to go completely digital. This allows for shorter turnaround times, better accuracy and time savings for our technicians,” says Lonni Thompson, CDT, Image Gallery, Dublin, OH. “Analog is the disruption now.”
Model printing remains the number one 3D printing application across all laboratory types (see Labs’ Most Popular Printing Applications chart below), allowing a faster workflow. “We’ve cut model production time and virtually eliminated our conventional model department...