From Prototype to the Final Reconstruction
Get a behind-the-scenes look at a progressive workflow that achieves highly esthetic results through digital planning and record taking by using smile design tools like the Ceramill M-Smile software, modern temporization materials like Ceramill A-Temp and high-end performance zirconia like Zolid Gen-X. Alexander Wuensche, CDT, explains this method of treatment planning—covering topics such as digital record taking and material choice—as well as the process of executing complex cases to achieve highly esthetic results.
- 1 Scientific credit
Amann Girrbach Zolid Gen-X
Amann Girrbach North America, LP
Zolid Gen-X is an all-around zirconia, putting an end to your time-consuming search for the right blank for the restoration. From Amann Girrbach, the material features the excellent esthetic properties and outstanding mechanical values of the Zolid Zirconia product group. It possesses a natural color...
Alexander Wünsche
President at Zahntechnique, Inc. · Miami, FL
Dental Technician, Surfer, Stand Up Paddle Surfer, Snowboarder, Waterman, Educator, Speaker, Husband, Father