Educational Webinar

Designing Dentures from Intraoral Scans

By exocad

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With the increasing popularity of intraoral scanners in the market, laboratories must re-evaluate their process and workflow for many of their services. Dave Carballeyra focuses on digital dentures and how to work with intraoral scans to achieve designs with a goal of becoming entirely model-less. He discusses scanning requirements to provide designers with the best starting point for denture designs and looks at mesh editing functions involved to achieve the best working surface for such cases. Other topics include file formats, surface normals and techniques for segmenting raw data 

  • 1 Scientific credit
  • Dave Carballeyra

    CEO at Instarisa · Fort Mill, SC

    CEO at InstaRisa | Digital Dentistry Innovator | MBA

About The Host
  • exocad

    The complete software solution for digital dentistry

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