Educational Webinar

A New Era in Milling Removables

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Learn about new advanced milling strategies, tooling and innovative materials to give you consistency, speed and increased profitability. See how these advances make it possible to have a fully digital partial and denture department. Kris Schermerhorn, CDT, demonstrates vhf S2 and S5 mills using real cases. The S2 has an eight-disc changer that allows dusk-till-dawn milling of removables, implant cases and regular crown and bridge work, and five simultaneously operating axes that minimize undercuts, even in complex removable designs. Its successor, the S5 also features integrated ionizers that considerably reduce the cleaning effort, as the static charge of acrylic chips is greatly neutralized.

  • 1 Scientific credit
  • Kris Schermerhorn

    Owner at Northern Virginia Dental Lab · Triangle, VA

    Kris Schermerhorn, CDT, is the Co-Inventor of the Myerson HotShotElite injection gun, and Co-Developer of Myerson DuraCetal, DuraFlex and VisiClear materials and the Myerson FlexPress digital injection system. Owner of a...

About The Host
  • vhf Inc.

    Competence in CNC milling machines and CNC milling tools

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