Zirlux Acetal, the Millable Super-Material

From Zahn Dental

Call Denise Boyer at 631-454-3009 or visit zahndental.com/chicago

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Are you looking to power new, highly profitable growth in the removable department? Today’s dentists are increasingly prescribing metal-free, removable partial dentures. With Zirlux Acetal, a 99.9% pure, highly crystalline millable thermoplastic, you can offer them digitally produced, tooth-borne frameworks. Kris Schermerhorn, CDT, takes you step-by-step through the Zirlux Acetal digital workflow, including partial denture frameworks, provisional crowns and bridges, bite splints and cosmetic smile enhancers.

  • Approved for 1 Scientific credit
  • Kris Schermerhorn

    Owner at Northern Virginia Dental Lab · Triangle, VA

    Kris Schermerhorn, CDT, is the Co-Inventor of the Myerson HotShotElite injection gun, and Co-Developer of Myerson DuraCetal, DuraFlex and VisiClear materials and the Myerson FlexPress digital injection system. Owner of a...

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