Zirconia vs. Zirconia: Endless Possibilities

From Zahn Dental

Call Denise Boyer at 631-454-3009 or visit zahndental.com/chicago

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Alexander Wuensche, CDT, gives insight into the differences of available zirconia, from traditional high opacity to modern high-translucency. He covers combinations with high-performance polymers, differences in software applications and milling capabilities, and a variety of milling strategies and sinter protocols. He also gives detailed insight into workflows, including designing with the proper software, nesting, milling and post-sinter treatment.

  • Approved for 1 Scientific credit
  • Alexander Wünsche

    President at Zahntechnique, Inc. · Miami, FL

    Dental Technician, Surfer, Stand Up Paddle Surfer, Snowboarder, Waterman, Educator, Speaker, Husband, Father

About The Host
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