Using Your Awkwardness to Market Your Lab

From Preat

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Before becoming a sales representative with Preat, Elvis Dahl had to step out of the lab and out of his comfort zone. Using tips he picked up from hosting Voices From the Bench along with first-hand experience, he discovered ways to utilize and embrace his awkward personality, allowing him to generate sales while sharing his knowledge of dentistry. He discusses the trials he faced and how he improved his strategy to help make meaningful connections in the dental community.

  • Approved for 1 Professional Development credit
  • Elvis Dahl

    Voices From The Bench Podcast at Voices From the Bench · Indianapolis, IN

About The Host
  • Preat

    The Premier Dental Prosthetic Specialists

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  • Elvis Dahl Image
    Elvis Dahl · Voices From The Bench Podcast at Voices From the Bench · Indianapolis, IN

    If y'all signed up for this course thinking you'll get Megan, sorry about your luck. You get Elvis Dahl instead. Pivoting the topic a little, I'll talk about marketing and selling your lab even if you feel too awkward to do it. If there is one thing I know, it being awkward. Join us!

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