The Window Technique: From Green State to Finishing

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Doug Frye, CDT, DTG, explains his philosophies and techniques for creating high-end esthetics on model-less cases from STL files. He offers a PowerPoint presentation and hands-on demonstration of  "The Window Technique," a fast and simple technique he developed to transform a monochromatic monolithic restoration into a highly esthetic restoration without the need of a model. He also covers green-state cut-back and staining techniques and the post-internal staining technique prior to veneering of ceramics to create lifelike restorations, as well as pre-contouring to final contouring with various rotary instruments and glaze pastes to create an esthetic surface luster.

Space is limited so pre-registration is recommended.

  • Doug Frye

    President at Functional Esthetics Dental Lab/D3 Solutions · Farmington, MO

    Member DTG

About The Host
  • Wagner Precision Rotary Instruments

    Wagner Precision Rotary Instruments specializes in the development and distribution of industry-unique rotary instruments designed to contour, shape and polish zirconia, lithium disilicate, printed resins, PMMA, high performance...

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  • Doug Frye Image
    Doug Frye · President at Functional Esthetics Dental Lab/D3 Solutions · Farmington, MO

    I developed this technique several years ago to promote a simplistic way to achieve high-end esthetic restorations on model-less cases. I have been promoting and teaching seminars for years keeping esthetics in the forefront. This is a quick and easy way to enhance your current prosthetic cases whether...[More]

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