The New Role of the Dental Laboratory: Educating and Collaborating with the Next Generation of Dentists to Build Value and Success with AvaDent Digital Dentures

From AvaDent

Call 405-226-7866 or email [email protected]

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

With John Madden, CDT. 

  • John Madden

    Prosthetic Technician/Allied Healthcare Professional 2 at University of Minnesota · Minneapolis, MN

    John Madden, CDT, runs John Madden Prosthetics, a small lab and consulting company in Minneapolis, MN. He decided to pursue becoming a CDT while working in the lab at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry....

About The Host
  • AvaDent

    AvaDent® Digital Denturess
    Introducing the world's first monolithic (one piece) digital denture. AvaDent Digital Dentures, which includes hybrids and overdentures, are better than conventional dentures due to digital design,...