The Leading Role of the Dental Laboratory--Engineering for Success

From Nobel Biocare USA

Call Nobel Biocare Training and Education at 800-579-6515

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Ryan Haupt discusses the integrated treatment workflow and how collaborative planning among the surgical, restorative and technician team leads to excellent treatment outcomes. He also addresses the advancements in digital technology and how it affects communication between laboratories and clinicians. 

  • Approved for 1 Scientific credit
  • Ryan Haupt

    Lab Manager at Haupt Dental Lab · Brea, CA

    Ryan Haupt is Manager of Operations at Haupt Dental Lab Inc., a full service lab located in Brea, CA. He has an extensive background working with many of the current all-ceramic restorations on the market today and has lectured...

About The Host
  • Nobel Biocare USA

    Nobel Biocare is a world leader in innovative restorative and esthetic dental solutions, providing dental professionals with state-of-the-art evidence-based tooth-to-root solutions.

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