Put Your Dental Business into the Spotlight!

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Dental photography serves as an effective tool for communication with colleagues, and as an emotional means of marketing to patients and clients in regards to our clinical service and laboratory products. Miles Cone, DMD, CDT, discusses the philosophy, equipment and resources necessary for intraoral shade analysis, portraits, bench-top photography and publishing outstanding high-end results with low-end customer cost for social media and scientific peer review.

  • Approved for 1 Professional Development credit
  • Dr. Miles Cone, DMD

    Prosthodontist at Nuance Dental Specialists · Yarmouth, ME

    Dr. Miles R. Cone is the owner of Nuance Dental Specialists, a boutique and exclusive Prosthodontic private practice in Portland, Maine.

About The Host
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