Preparing for an FDA Inspection

From SafeLink Consulting, Inc.


Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

2017 was one of the most active years for FDA inspections in dental labs. Gary Morgan, CDT, CQA/ASQ, covers what occurred in FDA written inquiries and actual FDA onsite investigations. He also discusses how a Quality System is viewed from an inspection perspective, and reviews the importance of a Quality System. 

  • Approved for 1 Regulatory Standards credit
  • Gary Morgan

    Vice President & Senior Consultant at SafeLink Consulting, Inc. · Cumming, GA

    Gary Morgan, CDT, CQA/ASQ, is the Co-Owner of SafeLink Consulting, Inc. He is an Authorized Trainer under OSHA’s Outreach Program, a certified DAMAS consultant and auditor, and a Certified Quality Auditor.

About The Host
  • SafeLink Consulting, Inc.

    SafeLink Consulting is an internationally-recognized premier provider of safety programs & quality systems including regulatory compliance for OSHA and FDA.

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