Internal Stain Technique: For Achieving Right Value, Chroma and Internal Characterization

From Kuraray America, Inc.

Call Larry Zeno at 800-879-1676, ext. 3953

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Alek Aronin, RDT, covers several color-matching systems based on dental photography; how to mask different types of discolorations; how to use internal stain to achieve the right value, chroma and internal effects; and methods for achieving different types of surface texture.

  • Approved for 2 Scientific credits
  • Alek Aronin

    Dental Technician · Mount Albert, ON

    Alexander (Alek) Aronin began training in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1990 before moving to Israel where he cultivated his inspiration to create artistic porcelain restorations. In 2001, he opened a laboratory in Toronto and...

About The Host
  • Kuraray America, Inc.

    Kuraray America Inc., creates chemicals, polymers and fibers for a variety of businesses around the world. We have over 700 employees in the United States.

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