Morphopsychology: Reinvent Your Laboratory

From GC America Inc.

Call Toni Cusimano at 800-323-7063, ext. 3006

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Communicate, treatment plan, fabricate, deliver, stop remakes and become more than a technician. It all starts from the concept of Morphopsychology. Step ToothMaster Bay, CDT, DTG, explains how he incorporates this into his lab on a daily basis. Come train your mind and learn to fabricate nature to reinvent your laboratory.

  • Approved for 1 Professional Development credit
  • Step Bay

    Owner at Toothmasters group · Pineville, NC

    Step ToothMaster Bay CDT, DTG, became a CDT at 24 years old and, in 2009, started his own laboratory, CDI Science LLC, Pineville, NC, specializing in cosmetic dentistry and implant restorations. He travels around the country,...

About The Host
  • GC America Inc.

    GC America Inc. is a leading manufacturer of innovative dental products dedicated to quality, customer satisfaction, and committed to excellence.

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