Monolithic Behind the Scenes

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Javier Pimienta explains how light interacts with modern monolithic materials as compared to natural teeth and why it matters to technicians. Learn how and why MiYO is the ideal material to match the esthetics and characteristics of natural teeth and how the latest shade-taking technology can help.

  • Javier Pimienta

    Director and Owner at Studio de Tecnologia Dental · Madrid, Spain

    Javier Pimienta is the Director and Owner of Studio de Tecnologia Dental in Madrid, Spain. He graduated from Universidad Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho and went on to a post-graduate Maxillofacial Prosthesis Specialization at...

About The Host
  • Jensen Dental

    At Jensen Dental, we make it our business to understand yours. The most important thing we can do on any given day is solve a problem for you, and the best way to do that is to get to know your needs as a true partner. The...

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