Mastering the Fundamentals of Analog RPD Framework Design and Become a Better CAD Designer


Removables are going digital, no doubt. However, to master digital designs of RPD frameworks, it helps to be proficient in analog design techniques and production workflow from start to finish. Dany Sakr, CDT, and Mike Janes, CDT, focus on the fundamental principles of RPD design including tips on achieving predictable, efficient outcomes with the BEGO analog materials workflow.

  • Mike Janes

    RPD Department President at Sakr Dental Arts

    Throughout this extensive career, Mike Janes has run nationally recognized large and small RPD laboratories.  Mr. Janes worked as an advisor/trainer/lecturer for major manufacturers and is recognized as a leader in both...

  • Dany Sakr

    Owner at Sakr Dental Arts · Winter Park, FL

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