Introduction to IPD Digital Workflow (Accuracy, Innovation and Digitalization)

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Daniel Alter covers the benefits of the IPD Digital Workflow system and how it creates a high level of accuracy and precision that facilitates successful implant-supported prosthetics from single crowns to All-on-X cases.

  • Daniel Alter

    Professor Of Restorative Dentistry; Executive Editor IDT; Consultant; Investor at NYC College of Technology · Plainview, NY

    I enjoy being a constant learner and pass a wealth of knowledge along to the future leaders of our profession.

About The Host
  • IPD USA Corp.

    IPD was founded and originated in the dental sector, specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of PROSTHETIC ABUTMENTS for DENTAL IMPLANTS. We offer Intelligent Prosthetic Dentistry

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