Improving Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Provisional Components at the Time of Surgery

From exocad


Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

The key for a successful implant case is to plan in a prosthetically driven manner. Dynamic navigation allows the surgeon to translate a virtual treatment plan into reality through real-time viewing during the procedure. Michael Hartman, DMD, MD, and Brett Ginter discuss how to export one form of a dynamic navigation plan into exocad CAD/CAM software so that prosthetic components such as fixed provisionals and custom healing abutments can be fabricated ahead of time for insertion at the time of surgery.

  • Brett Ginter

    Implant Coordinator at Hartman Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery · Mechanicsburg, PA

    Brett Ginter is the Senior Laboratory Technician for Digital Provisionalization Technologies, where he has helped develope a wide array of provisional options for cases performed using dynamic navigation and surgical guides....

  • Michael Hartman

    Oral Surgeon at Digital Provisionalization Technologies · Mechanicsburg, PA

    Michael Hartman, DMD, MD, is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon located in Mechanicsburg, PA, with a keen interest in evolving digital technology and how it can be applied in everyday implant practice. He's performed more...

About The Host
  • exocad

    The complete software solution for digital dentistry

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