Improving Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Provisional Components at the Time of Surgery
Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show
The key for a successful implant case is to plan in a prosthetically driven manner. Dynamic navigation allows the surgeon to translate a virtual treatment plan into reality through real-time viewing during the procedure. Michael Hartman, DMD, MD, and Brett Ginter discuss how to export one form of a dynamic navigation plan into exocad CAD/CAM software so that prosthetic components such as fixed provisionals and custom healing abutments can be fabricated ahead of time for insertion at the time of surgery.
Brett Ginter
Implant Coordinator at Hartman Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery · Mechanicsburg, PA
Brett Ginter is the Senior Laboratory Technician for Digital Provisionalization Technologies, where he has helped develope a wide array of provisional options for cases performed using dynamic navigation and surgical guides....
Michael Hartman
Oral Surgeon at Digital Provisionalization Technologies · Mechanicsburg, PA
Michael Hartman, DMD, MD, is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon located in Mechanicsburg, PA, with a keen interest in evolving digital technology and how it can be applied in everyday implant practice. He's performed more...