Equator Fixed Bridge and Removable Prosthetic Solutions: Save Space, Time and Costs

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

The unique, universal, low-profile Equator platform with its hidden internal thread allows for simple conversions from conventional overdentures to fixed protheses compatible with any implant system globally. Gianni Storni, MDT, covers the advantages, including little or no bone reduction, increased esthetics, compensation of divergence to 80°, elimination of MUA and cost effectiveness.

  • Gianni Storni

    CEO and President of Technology at Rhein83 USA · New Rochelle, NY

    Gianni Storni, MDT and CEO of Rhein83, studied dental technology at Villaggio del Fanciullo in Bologna, Italy. Rhein83 attachment and implant systems are distributed in over 75 countries. He has authored numerous technical...

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  • Rhein83 USA Image

    Looking to expand your teams knowledge on the latest cost effective fixed conversions techniques used in Europe and Asia? Come join us and uncover the unique technical capabilities of the Equator abutment Systems for Removable and Fixed Prosthetics. Friday 10:30am -12;30pm Soldier Field Room, Bronze...[More]

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