Easy, Faster, Smarter Digital Workflow with 3D Printing

From Whip Mix Corp.

Visit whipmix.com, email [email protected] or call 502-637-1451

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Todd Fong, CDT, FACE, shares how having an open-source 3D printer has been a game changer. He reviews materials and applications including surgical guides, splints, models and dentures. Tom Houle covers the four process monitoring technologies that produce repeatable precision and result in a consistent and reliable output for quality assurance.

  • Approved for 1 Scientific credit
  • Todd Fong

    Master Ceramist at Dr. Diana Fat, DDS · Sacramento, CA

    CDT, FACE, Master Ceramist, Past Shofu Technical Advisor and KOL. LVI Master Ceramist, KOL Shofu Dental , 3M Dental, Cerec/Sirona, Ivoclar, DMG.

  • Thomas Houle

    Territory Sales Manager-West Coast at DMG - America · Vacaville, CA

About The Host
  • Whip Mix Corp.

    Founded in 1919, Whip Mix created the first complete dental inlay investment casting unit – with a mechanical spatulator that whipped and mixed better than anything else. An invention so dramatic it changed the industry. And formed our company name.

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