Do You Have All of the Tools in Your Bag? Implant Restorations for Every Case

From Sterngold

Call Sterngold at 800-243-9942 or 508-226-5660

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

What is the best treatment option for the edentulous arch? There is no single answer. Benjamin Oppenheimer, DDS, FICOI, discusses how to treatment plan and restore with the proper solutions for every patient indication. He also covers patient-removable and doctor-removable solutions, featuring mini and root form implants.

  • Approved for 1.5 Scientific credits
  • Dr. Benjamin Oppenheimer, DDS

    Dentist at Concierge Dental Group · Williamsville, NY

    Benjamin Oppenheimer, DDS, FICOI, is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. With years of mini dental implant experience, he has spoken for companies such as IMTEC Corp., 3M ESPE,...

About The Host
  • Sterngold

    Affordable Dental Access. Enhanced Quality of Life.

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