Digital Modifications to Removable Prosthodontics Analog Workflow

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Everyday denture practice requires many clinical and laboratory aspects; making them run smoothly is not an easy task. Eugene Royzengurt, LD, BTSc, discusses how to make things easier in your removable prosthetics practice and covers simple digital techniques to help you achieve a smoother workflow in the long run.

Co-sponsored by Ackuretta.

  • Approved for 2 Scientific credits
  • Eugene Royzengurt LD, BTSc

    Denturist at Apple Dental Laboratory, LLC · Sandy, UT

    Owner Apple Dental Lab in Salt Lake City

About The Host
  • Pac-Dent, Inc.

    Pac-Dent is an established industry leader with 30 years of dental manufacturing experience and unmatched expertise in prevention, restoration, tooth whitening, endodontics, and infection control. We are constantly striving...

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