Dental Direkt CUBE Y HL--Hybrid Zirconia in Practice: Aesthetics & Strength in Harmony

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Marius Wagner, DMD, MDT, introduces the innovative Dental Direkt hybrid zirconia cubeY HL, highlighting its outstanding material properties—the optimized combination of strength and translucency—and showcases its versatile applications in prosthetic restorations through real patient cases. He presents practical case studies and provides insights into the esthetic and functional advantages of this high-performance zirconia.

  • Dr. Marius Wagner, DMD

    CEO at dkz-wagner

    Marius Wilko Wagner, DMD, MDT is an experienced dentist specializing in aesthetic and implantological dentistry, with a strong background in dental technology and CAD/CAM systems. Over 9 years of expertise in providing innovative...

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