Custom Abutments: Navigating the OEM and 3rd Party Abutment Market

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

There are a lot of different directions laboratories can go when it comes to implant restorations. Labs must keep production, price and predictability in mind while keeping up with the industry. The key is working with the right milling partners in the digital and analog landscape. Kevin Westrich discusses how labs—from small, one-person operations to production laboratories—can use the third-party and OEM market to fit the needs of their clientele.

  • Kevin Westrich

    VP Of Product Development And Production at D3 Solutions · Maryland Heights, MO

    Kevin Westrich is the VP of Production and Product Development for D3 Solutions and Functional Esthetics Dental Lab.  I am Involved in all aspects of this family-owned lab, over the past 25 years I have  helped...

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