Thank you to everyone who has already bookmarked our course! It is hard to believe that Lab Day West is less than 20 days away.
Creative Edge Symposium: Prosthetic Potpourri
Email [email protected]
Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show
Bruce Keeling, CDT, shares his 60-plus years of experience specializing in high-end removable and implant cases. He covers the basics of removables, principles of articulation, esthetics, guidelines for setting teeth, different ways to evaluate cases, communication with dentist-clients, and tips and tricks for removable prosthesis design.
- Approved for 1.5 Scientific credits
Bruce Keeling
. at . · Livingston, TX
Bruce Keeling, CDT, is the Removable Prostherics Trainer for Wiand Dental Laboratory in Scottsdale, Arizona. Previously, he was a corporate trainer for Dental Services Group, Prior to that he owned and operated Progressive...
GC America Inc.
GC America Inc. is a leading manufacturer of innovative dental products dedicated to quality, customer satisfaction, and committed to excellence.
The Premier Dental Prosthetic Specialists
Whip Mix Corp.
Founded in 1919, Whip Mix created the first complete dental inlay investment casting unit – with a mechanical spatulator that whipped and mixed better than anything else. An invention so dramatic it changed the industry. And formed our company name.