BioHPP and Visio.lign. Physiological--Highly Esthetic, Leading Material Properties: A Journey to New Standards of Modern, High-Performance Polymers in Implant Prosthetics

From XPdent Corp./Bredent

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Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Christoph Zips, MDT, discusses bionic materials in implant prosthetics, why alternative materials for dental prosthetics make sense, what is meant by “physiological”, material philosophy and options, and indications and limitations for polymers in oral rehabilitations. He also discusses scientific studies and publications, the Visio.lign veneering system, and options for the digital workflow to process polymers.

About The Host
  • XPdent Corp./Bredent

    XPdent is an American company that represents European manufacturers in the United States and South America. Our mission is to provide high quality dental products, support them, and train dental laboratories in new and advanced technologies.

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