Archers and Arrows: Treatment Planning Protocols Utilizing the Full-Spectrum of Dental Materials

From GC America Inc.

Email Monique Cano at [email protected]al

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Dentistry is evolving rapidly, especially restorative material options, and product choices for treatments range from fixed crown and bridge, porcelain laminate veneers and implant therapy, to standard removable prosthetics such as conventional complete and partial dentures. Lucas Lammott and Dr. Miles Cone showcase several of the steps and stages of treatment for various cases.

  • Approved for 1.5 Scientific credits
  • Dr. Miles Cone, DMD

    Prosthodontist at Nuance Dental Specialists · Yarmouth, ME

    Dr. Miles R. Cone is the owner of Nuance Dental Specialists, a boutique and exclusive Prosthodontic private practice in Portland, Maine.

  • Lucas T. Lammott

    Ceramist at Niche Dental Studio · Moorestown, NJ

    Technician/ Oral Architect

About The Host
  • GC America Inc.

    GC America Inc. is a leading manufacturer of innovative dental products dedicated to quality, customer satisfaction, and committed to excellence.

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