All Smiles with Zolid Gen X Zirconia and the Ceramill Workflow

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Alexander Wuensche, CDT, showcases how he is using Amann Girrbach’s Smile Design software in treatment planning, from helping customers visualize the case to a 3D planning tool to fabricate diagnostic digital waxups and provisionals. He shows how to finalize the cases with Zolid Gen-X, a high-translucent, strong, multilayered zirconia ideal for full-arch and full-mouth reconstructions.

  • Approved for 2 Scientific credits
  • Alexander Wünsche

    President at Zahntechnique, Inc. · Miami, FL

    Dental Technician, Surfer, Stand Up Paddle Surfer, Snowboarder, Waterman, Educator, Speaker, Husband, Father

About The Host
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