3D Printing in Your Laboratory and Clinic

From Imagine

Contact Steve Carter at [email protected] or 603-933-3538

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Adrienne Slevin covers the features of NextDent 5100, how it takes the guesswork out of 3D printing, how 3D printing works and why the ND5100 is unique in the dental field for any lab or office. She also gives a brief overview of the MJP 2500 for cast, models and surgical guides and DMP Flex 200 for metal printing in-house.

  • Approved for 1 Scientific credit
  • Adrienne Slevin

    Global Dental Enablement Lead And Dental Technician at Stratasys · Peoria, IL

    Dental tech of 19 years, digital enthusiast. Love innovative, quality technology, sharing, and learning with fellow dental people.

About The Host
  • Imagine

    Leader in Digital Dental Manufacturing Solutions.

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