Longtime Vident CEO and Original Founder Wayne Whitehill Retires
Posted Aug 25, 2011 in Personnel News
Longtime Vident executive, Wayne Whitehill, recently announced his retirement as CEO, effective August 1. Whitehill will stay on as a Vident Board Member and consultant for the near term. President Fred Ketcho has taken over as the new CEO.
One of the original founding members of the company, Wayne Whitehill, along with Ray Morrow and Vern Hale, launched Vident in 1984 to represent the VITA product line in the United States. All three had worked with VITA in one capacity or another and were looking to partner with the dental laboratory industry, laying the groundwork for the founding of Vident. The trio opened up shop in Baldwin Park, California and got to work designing the first product catalog, unloading boxes and labeling products. "The three of us worked really well together," explains Whitehill. "We split up the duties and each took on different areas of responsibility. I oversaw administration, Vern was in charge of sales and marketing and Ray...