Wiand Dental Laboratory, Scottsdale, AZ
Posted Apr 06, 2020 in Labs & Profiles
For over eight years, Beth and Tom Wiand, Wiand Dental Laboratory, Scottsdale, AZ, have been involved with Smiles and Beyond, a non-profit that provides free dentistry to the formerly incarcerated and victims of domestic violence who are committed to rebuilding their lives. The organization vets potential recipients to ensure they’ve been out of prison or their abuse situation for over a year, are currently working and belong to a faith-based community for support. With 70 dentists and 12 labs in the community on the Smiles roster, they contribute nearly $1 million dollars in dental services each year.
“As of today, none of the recipients have returned to prison or their abuse situations, which to me is amazing,” says Beth. “It’s not just about the teeth and the smile, but what it leads to: jobs, milestones, aspirations, new ideas and the confidence to go after their dreams. I see first-hand that not only did we change the trajectory of their...