The Decade Ahead: 74% of Fee Survey Respondents Optimistic About the Future
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in LMT Surveys
Despite the challenges of offshore competition, a limited labor pool and price cutting, the majority of respondents to LMT's 2008 Fee Survey are optimistic about the future of our industry. Over half of respondents agree with the statement, "We'll see some changes because of offshore outsourcing, automated technology, lack of training and shortage of technicians but most labs will have plenty of work" and this sentiment is consistent across all lab types and sizes.
Another 22% are even more positive saying, "We'll see the profession grow and thrive, thanks to new technology, production methods, products, business models and patient demand."
One big reason for the optimism? Aging boomers and their discretionary incomes. "The baby boomers have arrived and are past their childrens' college expenses with a desire for better dental esthetics and dental health, and can afford to have the work done," says one survey respondent.
Respondents are...