Controlling Your Future: A Hot Topic at Cal-Lab
Posted Apr 28, 2014 in Post-Show Coverage
“Change, consolidation and new business models are inevitable, but survival, growth and a seat at the table are optional. Your future in the next several years is dependent on what you decide to do,” said Mark Murphy, DDS, in his State of the Industry presentation at the 88th Annual Cal-Lab Meeting. “We have tremendous control over what our role will be in the future. You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you sure can set your sails.”
Other speakers during this year’s meeting offered ideas on exactly how to set those sails. Terry Fine, President of AMG Creative, encouraged attendees to embrace social media as a marketing tool during his presentation, Social Media: Truths, Perceptions and Myths, citing these statistics:
- 70% of small businesses use Facebook for marketing.
- 69% of dentists have a Facebook page.
- On average, for every eight minutes people spend online, one minute is on Facebook.
- The...