Bad Dentistry - Part 5
Posted Aug 07, 2013 in Publisher's Page
After the Fall
After finally finding my fallen crown, I gently ran my tongue across the prepped area. It felt like a wizard's hat: thin, tall and pointy.
We headed for home but made a stop for lunch along the way. That's when the wizard's hat came loose. I now held it in my hand. It didn't look or feel like a piece of my tooth. I stashed it in the plastic bag that held my crown and called my once husband/dentist Rob.
Since my appointment with the prosthodontist was over a week away, he said, "Stop by my house on your way home, I'll cover the exposed root with cement for added protection. You don't want any bacteria there."
When we arrived, he asked our son Eric to assist but Eric promptly handed over his responsibility to Andy and left the room. (We always knew he didn't have the stomach for medicine,) So there I am lying in my ex-husband's lap while my current spouse shines a flashlight into my mouth. [Not as awkward, really, as it may sound; we all...