ADA Responds to New Blood Pressure Guidelines
Posted Mar 19, 2018 in Industry News
Last Fall, the American Heart Association released new blood pressure guidelines—the first comprehensive set since 2003—lowering the definition of high blood pressure. Previously, high blood pressure was defined as 140/90; now, 120/80 is considered elevated and 130/80 is considered Stage 1 Hypertension.
As a result, 46% of the U.S. adult population will be considered to have high blood pressure, up from 32%. The greatest impact will be among people under 45 years old, with the prevalence of high blood pressure expected to triple among men and double among women.
The guidelines also include specific recommendations for how healthcare providers should take blood pressure measurements: allowing patients to sit in a chair for five minutes prior to measuring blood pressure; averaging at least two readings over two separate visits; recording blood pressure in both arms; and separating repeated measurements by...